Chemical Structure: C15H21NO2
Functional Groups: Demerol consists of ester and aromatic groups.
Uses: Demerol is used as relief for moderate to severe pain. It is an opioid that is used to alter the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain.
Misuses: Over prescription from doctors is one of the common misuses with Demerol. Many patients become addicted because Demerol is like morphine an opioid, and this can cause patients to overdose on this pain killer. This medication can become abused if over prescribed by a physician.
Side effects of using Demerol: The side effects of using Demerol include lightheadedness, dizziness, sedation, nausea, vomiting, sweating, constipation, loss of appetite, headache, weakness, dry mouth, itching, or drowsiness.
When was Demerol first discovered? Demerol was first discovered in 1939.
When was Demerol first used? It was first approved to be used in the United States in 1942
Which countries use Demerol today? Demerol is a popular drug; it is very popular in the hospital settings and can be prescribed at pharmacies. Demerol is also on the streets being sold as an opioid. It is used nationally in many surgical institutions.
Is Demerol still used in the United States today? Demerol is still used in the US today to treat patients with severe pain.
Where was Demerol derived from? Demerol is a white crystalline substance, that is lab made.
Is Demerol approved by the FDA? Demerol had been approved by the FDA. The FDA approved this medicine in 1942.